Thomas Morton

Thomas Morton


Træffetid: Mandage kl. 15:00-16:00

I am a quantitatively-trained social psychologist with interests that span theoretical and applied concerns. My current research centres around specific questions of: (a) how social identities are a lens through which people experience the world and act in it; (b) how people navigate membership in groups that are marginalised or devalued, and express themselves and their identity to others against this backdrop, and; (c) how social group memberships, and social relationships, impact on individual health and well-being. 

Udvalgte publikationer

  1. Udgivet

    Evaluations of science are robustly biased by identity concerns

    Salvatore, J. & Morton, Thomas, 31 maj 2021, I: Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 24, 4, s. 568-582 15 s.

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  2. Seeing our self reflected in the world around us: The role of identity in making (natural) environments restorative

    Morton, Thomas, van der Bles, A. M. & Haslam, S. A., 1 apr. 2017, I: Journal of Environmental Psychology. 49, s. 65-77 13 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Activating and Guiding the Engagement of Seniors With Online Social Networking: Experimental Findings From the AGES 2.0 Project

    Morton, Thomas, Wilson, N., Haslam, C., Birney, M., Kingston, R. & McCloskey, L. G., 1 jan. 2018, I: Journal of Aging and Health. 30, 1, s. 27-51 25 s.

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  4. Paradoxes of praise: Identity-inconsistent praise results in praise-inconsistent responses

    Rabinovich, A. & Morton, Thomas, 1 aug. 2017, I: European Journal of Social Psychology. 47, 5, s. 628-644 17 s.

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  5. Coping with Identity Conflict: Perceptions of Self as Flexible versus Fixed Moderate the Effect of Identity Conflict on Well-being

    Rabinovich, A. & Morton, Thomas, 3 mar. 2016, I: Self and Identity. 15, 2, s. 224-244 21 s.

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  6. Multiple group membership and well-being: Is there always strength in numbers?

    Sønderlund, A. L., Morton, Thomas & Ryan, M. K., 1 jan. 2017, I: Frontiers in Psychology. 8, JUN, 1038.

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ID: 212545941