KA 800 Praktikanalysehold 2, Klinisk v/Jan Nielsen

Efterår 2023

Litteratur Antal normalsider
Anderson, T., Crowley, M.E. J., Himawan, L., Holmberg, J.K., & Uhlin, B.D. (2016). Therapist facilitative interpersonal skills and training status: A randomized clinical trial on alliance and outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 26, 511-29.  30
Bambling, M., King R., Raue, P., Schweitzer, R., & Lambert, W. (2006). Clinical supervision: Its influence on client-rated working alliance and client symptom reduction in the brief treatment of major depression. Psychotherapy Research, 16, 317-331. 24
Bottrill, S., Pistrang, N., Barker, C., & Worrell, M. (2010). The use of therapist self-disclosure: Clinical psychology trainees’ experiences. Psychotherapy Research, 20, 165-180. 29
Coren, S., & Farber, B.A. (2019). A qualitative investigation of the nature of “informal supervision” among therapists in training. Psychotherapy Research, 29, 679–690. 22
Doran, J.M. (2016). The working alliance: Where have we been, where are we going. Psychotherapy Research 26(2), 146-163. 26
Geller, S.M., Greenberg, L.S., & Watson, J.C. (2010). Therapist and client perception of therapeutic presence: The development of a measure. Psychotherapy Research 20, 599-610. 20
Kendjelic, E.M., & Eells T.D. (2007). Generic psychotherapy case formulation training improves formulation quality. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 44 (1), 66-77. 19
Mortensen. K.V. (2008). Supervision mellem pædagogik og terapi. In C.H. Jacobsen & K.V. Mortensen (Eds.), Supervision af psykoterapi – teori og praksis (pp. 92-103). København: Akademisk Forlag. 11
Nielsen. J. (2013). Rammer og dynamisk administration. In J. Nielsen & P. Sørensen, Brug gruppen (pp. 124-151). København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.  27
Nielsen, J. (2017). Godt begyndt - en minimalistisk supervisionsmodel for noviceterapeuter. Psyke & Logos, 38, 11-30. 20
Nissen-Lie, H.A., Rønnestad, M.H., Høgland, P.A., Havik, O.E., Solbakken, O.A., Stiles, T.C., & Monsen, J.T. (2017). Love yourself as a person, doubt yourself as a therapist? Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 24, 48-60. 20
Silberschatz, G. (2017). Improving the yield of psychotherapy research. Psychotherapy Research, 27, 1-13.  20
Wampold, B.E. (2014). The Contribution of the Therapist to Psychotherapy. In A.v.d. Lippe, H.A. Nissen-Lie, & H.W. Oddli (Eds.), Psykoterapeuten (51-67). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.  16
Zeeck, A., Orlinsky, D.E., Hermann, S., Joos, A., Wirsching, M., Weidmann, W. & Hartmann, A. (2012). Stressful involvement in therapeutic work: Therapist, client and process correlates. Psychotherapy Research, 22, 543-555.  20
Total antal normalsider 304