Former participants’ experiences of COSC

The COSC material and the sessions

“The content is something anyone can understand, and you get some simple tools to take with you.” 
Nina, early childcare provider

The need behind the difficult behaviour

“I don’t think the children have changed. It is our way of thinking about them that has changed."
Nina, early childcare provider

Why participate in COSC?

“It benefits the participants and most importantly, it benefits the children.”
Nina, early childcare provider

What can be challenging?

“It is challenging to reflect on one’s own personal experiences. But I can see why we do it because it is related to the way you respond.”
Nina, early childcare provider

Recommendations for managers

“You need some time to process, perhaps, you need to go home afterwards so you can digest it all.”
Nina, early childcare provider

Recommendations for managers (2)

“The fact that I participated together with the staff and temporarily stepped out of the role as manager was a very conscious decision.”
Nadja, manager of early childcare providers

Participating together with your colleagues

“I appreciated participating with my colleagues in the group. But I probably would not have liked it very much had it been a lot more people.”
Nina, early childcare provider

Developing a new language

“Before, they simply didn’t have that understanding of the children and of relationships, or that understanding of themselves. They have that now.”
Nadja, manager of early childcare providers