Publications and outreach
At the Centre of Excellence in Early Intervention and Family Studies (CIF), we conduct research at a high international level. In our projects, we collaborate with some of the greatest international researchers in the fields of infant, early childhood, and parental mental health. We publish our studies in a wide range of scientific journals and books, and you can find the newest publications in CIF’s list of publications.
We aim to bridge between research and practice, and therefore we make an effort to ensure that both the practitioners and the general Danish population can access our knowledge and results.
New publications from CIF

Negeri, Z. F., Levis, B., Ioannidis, J. P. A., Thombs, B. D., Benedetti, A., & DEPRESsion Screening Data (DEPRESSD) EPDS Group (2024). An empirical comparison of statistical methods for multiple cut-off diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis of the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale (EPDS) depression screening tool using published results vs individual participant data.BMC medical research methodology, 24(1), 28.
Reijman, S., Christensen Vieira, C., Wahl Haase, T., Helmerhorst, K. O. W., Pontoppidan, M., Grosen, S. A., Egmose, I. Røhder, K. & Væver, M. S. (2024). A randomized trial of the Caregiver Interaction Profile (CIP) training with childcare providers: the Copenhagen Daycare Project study protocol.BMC Psychol 12, 127.
Wendelboe, K. I., Stuart, A. C., Smith-Nielsen, J., Linkhorst, T. B., & Væver, M. S. (2024). Offline and Online Parental Mentalizing in Mothers with Symptoms of Postpartum Depression: Examining the Association between Self-reported Parental Reflective Functioning and Interactional Mind-Mindedness.Infant Mental Health Journal, 1–17.